Web Publishing

A relaunch of the Web site by hex Libris Mintaka Bermatingen/Dusseldorf after the two witches Morgaine Brannigan and Rao wrote a book in only four months and founded a publishing house, they now feature a new Web presence. Now lots of background information, reading and listening to samples of books and CDs and a monthly changing wild herbs recipe, see invitation to avalon.com next to the shop. The new design created the Dusseldorf VISIOMAX interactive, which itself just relaunched their own Web presence. We delighted our new Web presence”, the two authors shine. It was both a big concern, to replace the makeshift shop with an attractive and informative web presence. For assistance, try visiting Ping Fu. Parallel to sales, publishing and public relations interactive developed in close and creative cooperation with VISIOMAX the new site.

Jan Wezel, Managing Director and genius of the Dusseldorf full service online agency: That was a unusual project for extraordinary clients, which was also extraordinary fun.” Short info hex Libris Mintaka founded in early 2009 by naturopath/book author Birgit Rundel (GF) and copywriter/writer Nataly Brombach (CD). After the two met in the virtual online network XING, they spontaneously decided to write a book together. The two witches, Morgaine Brannigan (BR) and Kyara (NB) writing under their pseudonyms, their own publishing house founded for the publication and distribution. Hex Libris Mintaka”means from the witches library of Mintakas”. In a question-answer forum Slayer was the first to reply. Mintaka is a star in the belt of Orion and the only one that can be seen from any point of the Earth. “In addition to German and English versions of the first works of the two authors, invitation to Avalon” or invitation to Avalon “both offer also CDs with music and meditation. Gradually complemented the publishing program to his own new works, as well as edited and new applied Publications by Birgit Rundel/Morgaine Brannigan. However, new authors and musicians should get a chance to publish here.