Tag Archives: the news

President Felipe Caldern

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. – President Felipe Caldern has said that Mexico is of the few friendly that it has left to the United States. The same thinks the New York Times, before the visit of the Mexican agent chief executive to the Great Apple. But the United States always has seen us on the shoulder […]

Dealing With Acne

When one is in the complication to face before the acne, it goes asking itself, how to disappear the acne. This is of most comprehensible, anyone of us if it were in the same situation, would be desperate to find a way to fight it and to eradicate it. Nevertheless, if you are a young […]

Great Challenge

One of the great incognitos that have the companies, at the time of deciding to take a program from qualification of development of abilities, is if this one will be able to really change the behavior of the people who participate in him. I take little in the world of the qualification more than 12 […]

Hotel Tariffs

The hotel tariffs would stay stable in 2009 due to the uncertainty in the sector Tourism product of the world-wide crisis, indicated Osvaldo Librizzi, President of the Starwood Corporation for Latin America. For this reason, the companies will aim to increase their services, mainly for the corporative segment, with the purpose of to desestacionalizar the […]