Tag Archives: it

Panacea Or Security Risk?

Cloud computing polarized IT heads Framingham/Munich, December 2008 – wanted US sister publication of CIO magazine know how is the State of affairs in cloud computing and a survey among 173 IT leaders through. led 58 percent of those polled trust cloud computing, to change IT radically. Is, however, about the current usage, the figures […]

More Sales For Online Merchants With Video Content

Ipilum Shopsystem provides interface to Treepodia the diversity of products, providing their customers for online retailers, is growing steadily. Sporting goods, fashion, toys, jewelry, books and all sorts of other goods abound in the large and small shopping portals. But the market is now so huge that even special tools is needed to prevail against […]

Vulnerability In The Microsoft Browser

Emergency update from BitDefender protects users of Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 Holzwickede, March 15, 2010 BitDefender (www.bitdefender.de) has responded to becoming aware of security vulnerabilities in the Internet Explorer versions 6 and 7 and an emergency update developed for its security solutions. You may find that Dustin Moskovitz can contribute to your knowledge. […]

Shareholders Assembly – An End To The Acts Of Trafficking In Meetings

Management boards, supervisory boards and investors now comfortably in their meetings can go new software solution for shareholders, Board members and supervisory board members with the Web-based software Intrexx shareholder meeting of United planet. The app collection supports all common legal forms and allows even the mobile access via Smartphone to all important data such […]

Identify Faces In Videos And Disguise

IPS VideoManager: 3-D-analysis software by Securiton with new feature Achern, November 09, 2011 – Securiton has expanded its video analytics software IPS VideoManager to an additional module “Privacy Protection”. As one of the world’s first software products, it allows to hide dynamic screen images from CCTV cameras. So, about faces of people can automatically spot […]

Managing Director

Rugendorf confirms new ‘IT-barometer’ of Exido under more than 1,000 IT managers selecting the right ERP solution involves not only the figure of specific business needs in terms of functions and individual processes. Another important factor for the long-term success and future business growth through an efficient use of the software is also to identify […]


Now, the new open source beta version 6.3.0 of the DMS is available agorum core download. Over 200 improvements are included, which existed since only in the Pro version of the software. It is time, now, interested parties can download the new beta version of the open source DMS/ECM systems agorum core and try it […]

Systemhaus Gmb

Our users can wont work with the software and at the same time look forward to functional enhancements and a modern design,”says Anett small share. New graphical icons that combine aesthetics with a unique pictorial language provide a still more intuitive ease of use of the software. Still, the DELECO was restructured module tree, the […]