Then we consider the reasonableness of the implementation of three ordinary methods for the estimation procedure. Yes, often the income approach is the most accurate method for assessing income-generating property, but all the same, so not suitable for all objects. If you need an estimate of damage or fire damage assessment after the Gulf apartments, it is important to know that a profitable option is only one way to assess. Useful information is also given the market and expensive methods. Sometimes these approaches are slightly more efficient. In many cases, each of these options can be selected to confirm the assessment of data from other approaches. And if you need an estimate of land or the assessment of the property complex, you should know that market-based approach or an approach of direct comparative analysis of such sales is advisable when the obvious is an active market of comparable objects. The integrity of this approach is dependent on the amount of baseline data and information.
It should find the latest information about current transactions for the sale of such objects. Data and information collected on sales of similar sites include: financing conditions, physical specifications and conditions of sale. The accuracy of the market approach is reduced if the deal was not quite so much when they went after a long period or if the market is in an abnormal state. Due to the fact that this approach uses data on past sales transactions, in the event of uncontrollable shocks on the market performance assessment may be wrong. But the costly option most appropriate for the property for special purposes, and the building is to find ways the most profitable use of land, and, finally, to insurance. In addition, information on standards should include information about the level of wages of construction specifications of expenditure on equipment, the profit on the cost of materials, the prices of land and overhead.