"So what happens when an employee does not establish a good relationship? The client automatically meet that employee with more suspicion, leading to mistrust, leading to potential conflicts. Avoid confrontation often companies are locked in an argument with a customer complains that it becomes impossible to solve. Waller said the way to avoid this is to avoid the discussion in the first place. His advice is to step back, analyze where the customer is coming from, and form a solution from their point of view, not yours. "I never fought with them," Waller said. "In fact, I went to dance with them.
You have to dance with them. You have empathy, and enter his world." Be reliable, be responsive and be credible local cable and utilities are a prime example businesses that do not possess these qualities, Waller said. When a customer calls in need of service, give vague ideas of when it will be there ("sometime 9-4), sometimes not appear at all, and are generally indifferent to the concerns of customers. Because of this behavior have lost almost all credibility in public opinion. On the other hand, companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Disneyland and have a reputation for impeccable customer service, where employees are always on hand to meet the needs of all customers at any time. These companies earned this reputation with years of training their employees to put the customer first.
"Customer perception is everything," Waller said. "People pay for peace of mind. They want the security, integrity and assurance that if there is a problem, will be handled promptly." All this advice reached the platinum rule, or "treat people as they want to be treated." This rule is the golden rule one step further, forcing employees to assess exactly what the customer wants and act accordingly, not only do as they like to perform in the same situation. "You can not reach all the way" he said. "You do not deal with reality. Nobody knows. We look after our perception of reality. "Waller said any attitude in good customer service is part of the" as if "clause. always act" as if "you're the only personal contact that the customer has with the company, and behave" as if "the reputation of the whole company depends on you." The "as if" clause places where you have to be, "Waller said." The bottom line boils down to relationships and how to treat others. "