They need time to decentralise the movement toward neighborhoods. In Madrid, Bilbao, Malaga and Sevilla also decide to follow campers. In Toledo, for example, have begun to pick up. Decalogue of proposals of the encamped in Valencia. The members of the movement indignant, which carry 14 days camped in the plaza de Cataluna in Barcelona, have decided this Sunday staying at least until next Tuesday.
The decision in a meeting which was attended by hundreds of people, and that started with a performance by singer/songwriter Paco Ibanez. According to the campers, they want to kill of structuring the movement intended to decentralize to the neighborhoods and need more time to carry out their work. The Assembly of this Sunday started to 21.30 after a performance by singer/songwriter Paco Ibanez, author of memorable themes against the Franco dictatorship, which has sung in solidarity with the camp. Ibanez, 76 years old, has dndido from the dictatorship a just society, and its performance in Barcelona responds to an invitation from the campers and their own desire to collaborate. Fifteen days of camping camping from plaza de Catalunya in Barcelona fulfilled two weeks marked by large inflows of citizens and moments of tension, especially on Friday when they intervened in the Esplanade the Mossos d police with the argument of clean and remove potentially dangerous objects. The police operation to dismantle the camp, in the event of a rally the next day if Barca won the final of the Champions League, ended with more than 120 injured and caused a general rejection by which many denounced as an excessive operating. Thousands of people, of all ages, came in the hours following the police action to Placa Catalunya to show their support to the campers whose movement regained with the massive adhesion forces. Another moment of tension early this Sunday morning, lived after the triumph of the Barcelona in the Champions League final, when thousands – 30,000 according to the Police-amateur Catalans went to Canaletes fountain.
In Bilbao in Bilbao he saw no need to raise now camping that keeps in the Teatro Arriaga square because there is still much work to do. So one of their spokesmen, who has assured has explained it in the Assembly convened to 20.00 hours face organizational debate has carried out to the next few days. Need to discuss if we go or not is not – he said. He has explained that around 300 people have attended the Assembly of today (Sunday) and added that no deadlines have been set to finish with the camping. Malaga after 13 days in the plaza of the Constitution, on Malaga capital, have also decided in House this Sunday continue indefinitely with the camp. However, have agreed to go by relay to replace the current campers, as reported by the up to now communication Coordinator, Rafael Palomo. Logrono the outraged from Logrono, for their part, have agreed to stay concentrates and camped in the Plaza del Mercado indefinitely and perform two general assemblies House week, as reported by members of its Committee on information. In Toledo in Toledo are collected, however, concentrates that have been camped for the past two weeks in the plaza de Zocodover have begun to collect your belongings and already not will spend tonight in the square, although they will continue with the assemblies. Source of the news: the camp of plaza Catalunya remain, at least until Tuesday