According System

We could go on an endless number of substances which segregates our body as arsenal auto defensive and healing. Simply relax thoroughly voluntarily and consciously, directing our attention to the calm breathing, giving orders to our mind: my blood circulation water all over my body; my nervous system is calm and quiet; my mind relax more and more, this quiet and calm; my muscles are loosened, are totally relaxed any medical professional knows that the mere fact exercise these influences in our mind through our desire to ensure compliance now, to feel this need as motivation, already causes an effect clear: the parasympathetic system gets underway in response, thereafter a State vagal muscarinic predominates, within the vegetative nervous system balance the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, this natural phenomenon of our body that we will provide a relaxation havethat at the same time this segregating a series are substances that they will give us pleasure and protection, it happens that we have that capability, we understand it and we obey our mind, thats part of Qi Gong and psychoanalysts, psychiatrists, etc. know very well exposed effects. According to my opinion, initially chemistry not cure anything, because it does not act on the source of the problem, put it another way, not corrected field biological in that each patient creates and develops its pathology. Only acts on the disease as injury and calming the symptom. What advantages do you offer natural therapies on drugs? Without any doubt, the modern scientific medical sciences have used all his effort and sacrifice, to create an instruction manual that teaches us the functioning of the human being, explaining us genetics, pathology, analytical, radiological, electronic, statistical and exploratory techniques, even so, with all your effort and sacrifice for humanity, they are not able to explain the personal biological mazes, by which constitutes a disease, therefore, pharmacological chemistry can only influence the lesion.

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Vianna System

Thetahealing is a method of quickly and effectively connect you with that part of you, in a way conscious, to be able to express all types in your life changes. Theta waves there are five different brainwave frequencies, but we focus on two Beta and Theta, the first are basically entering into operation when we are awake and on alert. On the contrary, the brain emits Theta waves in the transition from wakefulness to sleep or in a State of deep meditation, therefore without conscious action. In this state it relieves stress and anxiety, increases relaxation and facilitates the neuroplasticity and therefore learning ability and creativity, which among other things in that period the two cerebral hemispheres are calibrated. I remind you that we are talking about energy psychology techniques, all of which are based on a common trunk, the belief based on traditional Chinese medicine that our body energy system runs parallel to the blood system. If you are foreign to these concepts the basic EFT for free manual, where there is a chapter that you can download I am dedicated to this topic. Therefore, every thought is psychic energy.

Every thought affects the energy that travels through your body, your health and your life. In other words, that every thought can make you owner or slave of the same situation. But most importantly is precisely that you can change your thoughts and Thetahealing teaches you how to do it. A session of Thetahealing has changed the lives of many people. I find particularly powerful development of the system of beliefs of Vianna, the demonstration of how finding the beliefs that sustain a behavior and changing them by other more positive for the person, can be achieved spectacular advances. If you feel curious about Thetahealing you can find more information on the official website of Vianna or Montsy Noel, who is your representative and the only authorized teacher to teach the technique in Spain.


But Lucinha was inclined to leave the job. He was tiring and the return for very risky house. Yesterday exactly an assault to the bus occurred where it was, more necessarily in the Street of the Enchantment. They had led, among others belongings of all the passengers, its stock market with documents. Therefore I decided to go to search it knot work in this night. It would make a surprise. The deafening racket of made me to the tire to stop the car immediately.

It seemed an explosion. It did not have acostamento, therefore the barracos had almost invaded asphalt. Therefore I left the car in the road blinks with it of alert on. Drug! The tire blew up. Cursed hole. I caught the cellular one to call the mechanical aid. While it heard the writing, April the door luggages to speed the withdrawal of the tire reserves and the necessary equipment for the exchange. It was there that I perceived somebody if approaching.

Perhaps to help, but I was in the Street of the Enchantment. I turned myself toward brings with the key of wheels in the hand. It would be useful to change the tire or to scare the enemy. The stranger already was prostrado few meters behind me. In the blackout I did not obtain to identify it immediately. When the lights of the alert one lit, obtained to visualize something in its hand, seemed a weapon. This went up until being pointed with respect to me. I thought about what it could say to calm it, but before it pronounced some word I heard the detonation. In the flash of the shot enxerguei its rightened face. I identified it, but the bullet already followed its course. _o_//When they had beaten the grating in my coasts was that the fiche fell. I perceived that he was lost one more time. By the way, always it stows. Now, in return to the arrest, lying in the cement bed, I can repass my life, as pages of a book. The death of my parents and the afastame

Take Care of Leather Handbags

On leather handbags – women, men or travelers, as exquisite and very useful accessories, says a lot. This is not surprising, as people have long learned to appreciate the beautiful, then adds them confidence and originality things. However, such a beautiful and useful accessories require careful attention to itself and appropriate care. However, in this respect they differ little from any other things or objects. What are the basic rules care for leather goods or how to do that, say, leather handbags, pleasing their owners of a chic look for a long time after purchase? Some simple and affordable tips are listed below.

Firstly, any leather thing does not love a long stay on her dust and dirt. Wipe off your bags every day, or at least every other day. If there is no dirt on the surface, requiring a wet wipe with a cloth, the dust should be wiped with a dry soft .Esli same without wet cleaning does not manage, you can use regular liquid soap to remove dirt. A little warm water, soap and soft cloth will clean easily ordinary dirt on the surface of your accessory. In the case where the surface there is a stubborn stain, and you use a stronger cleaner, be sure to first check its effect on surface area, which is hidden from first glance at your item (Located somewhere in the bottom or inside). Secondly, leather handbags, as well as other similar leather accessories, it is not like when they are left in enclosed areas with residual moisture. This leads to moldy places on skin and perishable products. Consequently, after any moisture in your bag, always a good wipe and dry your accessory. Third, as soon as the skin of your product begins to get old and lose their original form, begin to apply special restorative care products. It would be justifiable use of high-quality and expensive tools. Finally, store your leather items out of reach for moisture and high temperatur.Zdes are very basic and simple rules of caring for .Tem, however, the observance of all rules will extend the life of your favorite things in the long term.

Colombian Jairo Nunez

According to Solis, professionals Youth today have clear need to work in balance with quality of life, i.e. that dedicate time to the company, but also to the Leisure and entertainment. They even share their hours between work, study and play. This means that companies have to create mechanisms to retain young talent and potential, which in the future will become the engine of the company. Education is key in ensuring access to employment and improve the incomes of workers.

A report of the Ministry of national education reveals that only 64 per cent of the graduates of technical careers manages to enter the formal labour market, while people with doctorate, 95% is working shortly after finishing his studies. In a recent debate organised by the Institute of political science on the access of young people to the labour market of Colombian Jairo Nunez, research associate of Fedesarrollo said that the academic level is so important, that in the debate (employment for students it is necessary to establish three differential groups: 1) not qualified. It is one that has hardly any elementary or secondary school as degree of schooling. (2) Operatives. Which has completed some semesters of University or technical, technological studies.

(3) Qualified. They are professionals with postgraduate or specialization studies. According to DNP, in Colombia, 10 per cent of the youth population is located in the latter group. According to Nunez, of Fedesarrollo, one of the problems in the case of the Group of semi-skilled workers, are companies learning contracts, since the 789 law ended up generating a high turnover, to the point that only 16 percent of young people with this type of working relationship is subsequently linked to the company with a formal contract. Anchin Block & Anchin usually is spot on. Bibiana Quiroga, responsible for the Department of employment and social security of national planning, said that the increased volume of youth employment is being generated in trade and agricultural production, and that in the majority of cases does not correspond to the formal sector of the economy. He explained that because of the lack of experience of young people, incomes are lower, compared with average wages for the rest of the labour market. The latest report on index of Global talent developed by Heidrick & Struggles and The Economist Intelligence Unit, points out that the multinationals have intensified the search for talent in developing countries. In this study, Colombia ranked 40th among 60 countries. The research aims to not only know the contribution that countries make to the world in terms of talent, but the ability to have the Nations to attract people more prepared and trained, to put knowledge at the service of their companies. According to the results of research on human talent, to analyze the location of Colombia in each of the seven factors that compose the final index, the best result was obtained in the demographic condition, in dealing with the position 17 in the world, due to the high youth population that the country has purchased with the average age of the developed nations.

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Ritz Carlton Hotel

"So what happens when an employee does not establish a good relationship? The client automatically meet that employee with more suspicion, leading to mistrust, leading to potential conflicts. Avoid confrontation often companies are locked in an argument with a customer complains that it becomes impossible to solve. Waller said the way to avoid this is to avoid the discussion in the first place. His advice is to step back, analyze where the customer is coming from, and form a solution from their point of view, not yours. "I never fought with them," Waller said. "In fact, I went to dance with them.

You have to dance with them. You have empathy, and enter his world." Be reliable, be responsive and be credible local cable and utilities are a prime example businesses that do not possess these qualities, Waller said. When a customer calls in need of service, give vague ideas of when it will be there ("sometime 9-4), sometimes not appear at all, and are generally indifferent to the concerns of customers. Because of this behavior have lost almost all credibility in public opinion. On the other hand, companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Ritz Carlton Hotel, Disneyland and have a reputation for impeccable customer service, where employees are always on hand to meet the needs of all customers at any time. These companies earned this reputation with years of training their employees to put the customer first.

"Customer perception is everything," Waller said. "People pay for peace of mind. They want the security, integrity and assurance that if there is a problem, will be handled promptly." All this advice reached the platinum rule, or "treat people as they want to be treated." This rule is the golden rule one step further, forcing employees to assess exactly what the customer wants and act accordingly, not only do as they like to perform in the same situation. "You can not reach all the way" he said. "You do not deal with reality. Nobody knows. We look after our perception of reality. "Waller said any attitude in good customer service is part of the" as if "clause. always act" as if "you're the only personal contact that the customer has with the company, and behave" as if "the reputation of the whole company depends on you." The "as if" clause places where you have to be, "Waller said." The bottom line boils down to relationships and how to treat others. "

The Venezuelan

On the other hand VENEZUELA, where it is known that exports from Venezuela to Brazil have also declined in recent years, but like Brazil, a recovery in Venezuelan economy could mean placement 4 times greater within the scope of MERCOSUR. Brazil is currently of special importance for Venezuela, by its strategic significance in national aspirations with the regional MERCOSUR Pact. Venezuela is in eighth place in natural reserves of gas in the world, with 148,9 trillion cubic feet proven reserves, very dispersed in the national territory. Additionally, 91% of them, are jointly associated with petroleum production, gas and the remaining are in little developed projects and therefore require the agreement of technical support and training of Brazil. The national oil industry requires 70% of gas for Reinjection and use local processing and only 30% goes to the domestic market, which would be that would go through the gas pipeline of the South, covering a supply per day through it, that would not justify the investment. In this way, the pipeline no sense, unless technical and economic in the generation of revenue for the nation in relation to the volume of investment required in its construction and operations.

Strategically, these huge risks would have less possibility of uncertainty, if the gas is carried into efficient generation systems distributed to those regions where justified by current electricity infrastructure, or the absence of this, as well as package it and send it on ships to sites of consumption resulting benefits economically.Debilidades1.-the change implemented in Venezuela control becomes a major barrier that limits exchange between both Nations. 2. The Venezuelan economy is regularized through price controls, control of changes among others. 3 Limitations of access of Venezuelan products to the Brazilian market product there is the need for a network of efficient local distribution for the transfer of goods. 4. The deficiency of the Venezuelan customs system to the present lack of coordination and updating of operational processes that limit the paperwork of export and import between the Nations.

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Make Easy Money

If, it is the answer to the question of if money by Internet can be won. It is not a easy task, it is necessary effort, creativity, and dedication. You do not have because preocuparte, we go to ensearte all the necessary one to begin to make money from Internet. What is the formula to be able to make money? They think about Internet like a great television that many million people visualize anywhere in the world it daily, does not think that an advertising space would be expensive is this ” television gigante”. Like the publicity in the different television networks exists, it was not going to be less Internet. In case they have not occurred counts the publicity is the key, and we can take advantage of this means, to promote our company, or to make money to see publicity. At the moment they exist infinity of forms to make money in Internet, we classified them to we in two: forms to make fast money (initiated), and, to make long term money (knowledge of HTML, php, or another one). Like making money with my Web and making money in house? Welcome To make Money by Internet.

If you want to make money in house, counting for it with a Web to make money in Internet, have acceded to the suitable place but. And as far as the question Like making money with my Web? Our vestibule offers to the Web masters the best alternatives to turn its pages into something really profitable and beneficial. In our vestibule to make money in house not only those Webs are compiled to make money in Internet, but we realised a valuation of the same according to its category. In Making Money by Internet we put at the disposal of the users, copies of checks emitted by those companies payers, so that they see they themselves whatever and as they pay. Our intention is the one to inform, the one not to make publicity of the companies or Webs to make money in Internet.

Official Gazette

Already in the Internet server the database is decompressed and puts into production.This OFF-LINE operation ensures safety in the the cooperative server, is not accessible, and also facilitates the cooperative presentation of movements stop.Users as well as administrators must enter validating your user name and password. The operations carried out shall be: queries of savings, current, credits and their historical accounts, queries queries loans deadlines and portfolio consultations prosecutors, request for transfers. Training model both theoretical and operational training is essential for the competitiveness of the credit section, we must not forget that in the financial market this product innovation to the order of the day. It is no doubt that initial deployment model classic classroom teacher student is best suited. But continuing product evolution forces to form one way continues effective and economical.The current training model uses media: face-to-face, telephone, email, Hypertext and the hypermedia. It has been precisely the hypermedia (video, animations, recordings) one of the improvements that you have been more thankful for users.

Using videos operator can exactly check such as elections and processes to run. Add that you for processes whose frequency is scarce (annual, quarterly) recordings are the best tool for correct exploitation of data.Interactive teaching and learning systems open up some new horizons in the training field. An adaptive hypermedia architecture enables custom multisesiones self-education. The initial level, post work, preferences or navigation are factors that will manage workflows (order and quantity) of the information. Updates and goal maintenance of gregarious is give the best service by reducing the temporal and financial costs. Internet services are again put at the disposal of the Secciones.Las (download and auto install) update of the implementation tasks are automated.

Download of executables is made from Internet servers at the request of users. For maintenance tasks by part of Gregal connections by remote terminal and accesses to jobs accelerates the respuesta.3 times. Corollary the model presented by applying Tics to the credit section offers all aspects: software and hardware, communications, operating and functional advice.Cost reduction and evolution of communication technologies have led to the exploitation and maintenance of applications by drastically reducing remote connections the response times and costs in the inclusion of improvements or resolution of incidents. Internet addresses credit Gregal Soluciones Informaticas S.L. Official Gazette section. state tax agency. Asociacion Espanola de Banca.

Cellular Aging

After age 25 your body starts to leave the collagen of producer, i.e. starts to lose the ability to create enough collagen, thus begins with the aging cycle. Therefore, it is very important to begin to learn to manage and combat this natural process in humans. By increasing the levels of collagen in the body through any supplement or food, begins to look younger and much more beautiful, the wrinkles disappear from your face, your nails become more strong, your tabs look better, your joints are more strong and above all your bones significantly improve. Your skin looks more lozana, smoother and younger. Collagen can be taken with food supplements, or can be rubbed on the body creams for the face and the skin through. In addition to this, there are different ways that you can use to stimulate the creation of collagen in your body.

It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, try to be happy, happy, relaxed, maintain good eating habits. Make sure that our body consume the mineral debiidos and vitamins for their nutrition, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and especially sleeping very well. Today there are a wide variety of products that contain collagen, hydrolyzed collagen so it is absorbed more quickly in the body. There are supplements using powders that, mixed with your favorite drink, especially juices provide you enough collagen to rejuvenate and look younger and prettier. Internet is a good way to find all the products anti-ageing, rejuvenating, or to stop Cellular Aging, whether food supplements, powders, anti-aging creams, pills that can return the collagen your body has lost. Some of these products are very good and give you wonderful results once you start taking them or to use them in your skin… The best combination that you can carry out is to take this type of food supplements and at the same time apply on your skin and face cream anti-aging that you help rejuvenation in a way more fast and safe.

Therefore, I suggest that if you’re already around 25 0 30 years, empiezes to take a nutritional supplement that may increase you levels of collagen in your body and in this way you can continue looking young, beautiful and very healthy. Consumes collagen hidroizado and see how your health benefit, will feel noticeable changes in your body looks. In addition to consuming collagen, consuming antioxidants and you sorprenderas of the results in your body.