Neurophysiological Marketing

When the communication controlling (Baumann, A., Wagner, G., 2010) such as instrumental methods of observation (look ver run investigations, Neurophysiological investigations during the reception of advertising among others), as well as survey methods can be used. The observations is primarily about capturing implicit, unconscious reactions of people on communication activities. The survey concerns such as surveys of advertising memories, settings and intentions to purchase due to the advertising reception – especially explicit, conscious responses. This post tests and tracking studies can perform for pre, communications controlling. The online and offline direct – and dialogue communication interested response values such as E.g. click rate (probability of a particular online communication object was clicked), costs per click, conversion rate (proportion of visitors from an online store, an order”have given up) and costs per order. Clear targets should be developed for each communication measure (E.g. mailing campaigns, classic advertising campaign) (E.g. return expectation, image, and reputation). Should then empirically measured the degree of target achievement and the reasons for deviations of the target – if available – be analyzed in order to learn from these findings for the next communication. Marketing information and marketing knowledge to manage today’s marketing-controlling a vast amount of information available is for his work. The modern marketing controlling must be able but also for its challenges, a vast amount of information processing and process (see Arndt, D., 2008, S. 32ff., pp. 167 et seq., p. 212 et seq., p. 275 ff.).

Therefore, the information and knowledge management has an exposed position within the marketing controlling. Information management include an adequate information infrastructure or effective and efficient arrangements in connection with (see Laudon, k. C. et al., 2006, p. 49 et seq.) of information / knowledge-based economy the knowledge / information systems the knowledge / information techniques. Information systems capture data prepare for typical queries (such as: how much was the sales of A in t?) Standard, ad-hoc queries, online analytical processing, data mining) of the company (planning, testing, control) are matched with other systems of operating for the needs of the divisions linked and can other systems interact with (such as enterprise resource planning, efficient consumer market and cooperation partners Response, category management, supply chain management systems.

Rio de Janeiro

A book neither begins for its first phrase: this sends the constellations of others, as well as the constellations of forgotten, remembered voices or at least heard. All book is the product of multiples and dispersed dialogues, many of which the proper author ignora.’ ‘ (RASP, 1989: 7). Still dealing with the analytical contradiction where the citizen that it searches, it is placed or it imagined aside remark of the analyzed reality, in the search to disentail itself of the object, for analytical fidedignidade, exactly denying itself, displays Luiz Coast Rasp of form arguta: ‘ ‘ Curious or strangely, the historian denies its historicidade so that if he shows as difano servant of truth; so that better firm its place in the hierarchy knowing of, denies them the influence of its mundane place; intemporaliza the reason so that if it has as for it trespassado.’ ‘ (RASP, 1989: 22). Of this form, this discursiva analysis demonstrates a methodology, that even so cannot deny the proximity between researcher and object, looks for to surround itself of a theoretical instrument that makes possible not an individual perspective that locks up in itself, having social relevance for its demonstration of results based on data gotten through minute research. Chapter I 1.1. A Scene That If Presents. (Of where It speaks.) Inside of the scene that this research was relizado, we have the principle the history of the Round city in return: ‘ ‘ deriving name of the geographic accident of the River Paraba known in 1744.’ ‘ (COAST, 1975: 7). , that in etimolgica its gnese already glimpsed an atypical trajectory, as the fluvial geology inspired that it, more not desiring to restrict itself, needing the emergency its independence: ‘ ‘ In 1874 the first separatistas yearnings of the inhabitants of Saint are born Antonio in return Redonda.’ ‘ (COAST, 1975: 12), being distinguished in the called territory Valley of the Paraba, integrating the composition of the Of the state of Rio de Janeiro South Region of the state of Rio De Janeiro.


Detecting events, whose Wirkungen are important for the subsequent earnings and safeguard of the company’s growth with a time offset the early warning instruments must be linked information and terms of data very closely with the company’s own strategic orientation as well as with the external corporate world. Even weak signals, i.e. only fuzzy structured information must be filtered out. Indicators should focus not on backward-looking sizes, but aimed more to the description of risks and latent opportunities. It comes to identify positive or negative developments, expressed in a change in the respective indicators over time above or below certain thresholds, as early as possible. Early warning radar on the environment of the company: early warning tools are focused not on data from business activities, which have already taken place. Rather it concerns their effects with analysis and thereby detecting events, time offset are important for the subsequent earnings and safeguard of the company’s growth. Therefore, early warning tools are also part of the strategic planning with the proviso to signal possible disruptive events of corporate development with the temporal flow.

“Cf. Becker, Jorg: strategy-check and balance of knowledge, ISBN 9783837073058. the early warning instruments of expression: target actual variance analysis, development of number systems to counter catalogs, strategic radar” also weak signal acquisition. Task fields for early warning instruments: signals: both business and environment signals, even in the weak form capture and deploy. Changes: Note on changes of existing or the potential for success. Causes: Analysis of the relationship between observed signals and developments. Assessment: Assessment of signals according to their importance for the company. Planning: Implementation of the findings in the target and plan processes.

CF. Becker, Jorg: Management cockpit of the intellectual capital report, ISBN 9783837046540.. the early warning instruments must be linked with the company’s own strategic orientation as well as with the external business environment information and terms of data very closely. Even weak signals, i.e. only fuzzy structured information, must be filtered out. Possible critical events are usually the result of a longer process, begins to draw attention to the signals on long time before often only by weak. With the method of scanning be like with a strategic radar”almost with a 360-degree search method specific grid in the environment of the company after weak signals sampled. Has it received weak signals with this scanning could be evidence of critical events, monitoring joins in the second step. This is an analytical diagnostic process, additional, in-depth information to the to the detected signal gain. While trying the method of leading indicators”possible disadvantages of purely statistical methods as a result “to get around by indicator” details of events you want to record and then put into signals. The observing fields selected as early-warning indicators must be adapted to changing conditions.

Munich Control

Proactively monitor walls decorate a good example that shows the control stations of many customers of JST, what huge success the big image systems promise, is the company T-systems in Munich. With a complete facelift”they provide in their control room in particular shorter response times. The Multiconsoling concept developed by JST contributes first and foremost, that makes it possible to connect the screen content within the team and the big screen. By outsourcing the computer in a special control room staff have not only a space saving, but to determine an increased ability to concentrate, that is due not least as a result, reducing heat and noise of the formerly existing computers. T the team worked on the restructuring of jobs involved and together a new arrangement-systems. The increased well-being of staff members and the ability of the team thereby promote efficient work as well as the big image systems. Flexibility and simple Operation characterised the innovative system.

It displays only something, if a response is required. The alarm function is the special feature of the large image system. In alarm situations, it comes automatically on the server, and indicates that an error has occurred. The employee must make the system no longer under complete observation, but can specifically dedicated to their work and thereby assured that she informed the system in the event of a fault. At the same time, a clarity that that wasn’t there before resulting from the large screen systems in the control room. Many monitors the workplace not allowed an orderly system and made difficult it staff to keep the perspective. Especially in stressful situations was not possible, a fast reaction, as it is now possible.

Another advantage of the big image systems is that all employees on the same knowledge can be kept and information in the chaos is not lost. The communication of the team is supported, which in addition to the sophisticated technology is equally important factor for a successful work. Service provider of the big image systems, such as T-systems, often determine win image, giving them a competitive advantage over companies that still do not have converted their control rooms, control rooms and control rooms modern and proactive technology. For more information, see

Photovoltaic System

Harald Wolf Senator for Economics visited Berlin’s largest solar site Berlin, 9 December 2009 on the roof of the Max-Schmeling-Halle in Pankow Energieagentur (BEA) which build the largest photovoltaic system on a public building in Berlin is currently the Berliner. BEA’s Managing Director Michael Geissler visited Berlin’s largest solar construction site on Wednesday alongside Harald Wolf Senator for Economics and sports Secretary of State Thomas Hartel and informed about the progress of construction. On an area of about 5,000 square meters, artisans have installed more than 1,000 modules. You will provide in the future more than 220 megawatt-hour eco-friendly electricity. The electricity produced should be completely fed into the public grid and can meet the needs of approximately 100 households.

“This photovoltaic system shows how solar energy can be used profitably. It is a signal to bring more solar modules on Berlin’s roofs than before. Berlin should be not only a site for the solar industry, but also in the Application character set”, as Harald Wolf, Senator for Economics, technology and women. BEA’s Managing Director Michael Geissler announced that the solar energy in the future will contribute greater to power in Berlin than in the past. “Many thousand square meters of unused roof surfaces could be used in Berlin to the heat or electricity and thus make a contribution to climate protection. Up to the year 2020 you can supply up to 50,000 Berlin households under realistic assumptions with solar power.” The Berlin Energy Agency already operates several solar panels in Berlin. In the Bornitzstrasse in Lichtenberg, the largest with a capacity of 110 kWpeak contiguous solar plant on a residential building in Berlin will be completed during these weeks.

It will generate power 80 MWh per year. In Kreuzberg and Adlershof the BEA produces already since a long time electricity from solar energy. As ESCOs financed, plans, builds and operates the BEA modern energy exchanges as a contribution to climate protection and for more energy efficiency. Berlin’s Mayor Klaus Wowereit is ceremonially inaugurate the PV system at the Max-Schmeling-Halle on January 21, 2010. Under, the Berlin Energy Agency from immediately a free photovoltaic-check offers. Building owners can quickly and easily check whether is worth the investment in a photovoltaic system for them and consult.

Professional Alarm System

Companies that work with Microsoft OCS, can use advanced features include alarm, evacuation and messaging now with NovAlert. The Microsoft Office Communications Server (OCS) provides the infrastructure for a complete business communication. So, the Office can be realized Communications Server IP telephony, video – and Web conferencing, instant messaging and presence management. The alerting solution NovAlert the Office Communications Server are available through the connection of the alarm Server NovAlert a variety of new functions available. People such as Anchin Block & Anchin would likely agree.

The integration with NovAlert makes it possible, to receive alerts of any systems, determine the necessary people and to inform them about the Office Communications Server. So alarm messages and information are by machines, fire alarm systems, home systems, network components, phone calls, emails, SMS messages, etc., be generated, automated capture and intelligently deliver on the Office Communications Server to the appropriate people. NovAlert also evacuations can be organized and carried out. f information regarding this issue. All affected persons be informed quickly in emergencies. If you have questions we available available under phone + 41 52 762 66 66 or by E-Mail at. About NovLink the NovLink GmbH, CTI (computer telephony integration) products developed since 1996, completely in-house.

This CTI solutions support known, standardized systems and interfaces for the industrial and service sectors. NovLink now among the largest suppliers of CTI applications in German-speaking countries. A high degree of quality, short reaction times, as well as the proximity to the market are the key success factors for this success. Thanks to the ideal firm size and their own in-house development, NovLink able is short term and designed to market and new technology needs to respond.

Tips for Recovery

If you would like to regain my boyfriend? I have heard this question all the time. If you want to get a second chance with your boyfriend, the first thing you have to do is avoid committing the same mistakes before, since they simply ruin the possibilities of returning to be with your ex. By now you should avoid calling him by phone and beg him to be together again. These actions will only make you see desperate and he only claimed the decision of your man stay away from you. Let’s here some ways on how to regain a man: * send a letter or an e-mail thanking you for having left. Yes, as you’ve read, I’m not kidding.

In the letter or email you must thank him for having left, and that terminate the relationship was a very good decision. You must also tell you that you were not happy for a long time, but you didn’t have the courage to leave him. Educate yourself with thoughts from Anchin Block. About happy and quiet tell you that you are now. These words have caused you a great shock, since he probably expected that thou you’re devastated and desolate. Can you believe that you’ll be always there for him, patiently waiting for his return, but he will now be given account that was wrong, and that contrary to your thinking, you’re a strong, independent person and has decided to continue with his life.

With this letter, the hidden insecurities on him will appear. The fact that it was unable to make you happy will make you feel like a real loser, and may now think he has been a man so useless that no other woman will want to be with him. In summary, with this letter you will do him lower his confidence in himself and believe that it has been lost forever. As the majority of people want things that cannot have, the desire to return with you is probably strong again. ** Not take it into account: after sending you the letter or email, the next step is to disappear from his life for a time. For any reason unavailable to him. Don’t answer the phone and avoid talking about him with his friends in common, such as also stay away from the places he goes regularly. This will cause that he begins to think about you constantly. Remember that this doesn’t have to last a long time, maximum one month. Her ex-boyfriend will feel so rejected and unwanted exactly in the same way as you feel now. Discover today how to recover your man. This guide will help you understand why the relationship ended badly, and what you can do to get back it to him. If you want to learn techniques to attract, seduce and retrieve a man visit Good luck with everything.

Managing Director

Rugendorf confirms new ‘IT-barometer’ of Exido under more than 1,000 IT managers selecting the right ERP solution involves not only the figure of specific business needs in terms of functions and individual processes. Another important factor for the long-term success and future business growth through an efficient use of the software is also to identify the correct suppliers and service providers for the company and the own market. Against this background, Exido in Sweden created several times a year comprehensive studies and trend reports to the Scandinavian economy and the IT industry since 2002. Over 1,000 Swedish IT managers to different categories will be interviewed for the prestigious annual IT-barometer\”. The title \”Sweden’s most popular ERP-system\” stems from the overall view of the individual evaluations of the quality and competence of the provider, price and costs, as well as to the performance of the ERP systems employed at companies with more than 100 employees.

The ERP-system Jeeves, the products the Norwegian manufacturer of Visma and Microsoft last year winner behind left, came already on the first places in the IT barometer of Exido regularly in recent years. In the Swedish market, Jeeves comes with approximately 3,500 installations currently on a market share of over 10%. The Jeeves ERP system, which is sold and serviced through a network of partners worldwide use over 4,000 customers in over 40 countries. Also in Germany, Jeeves is represented with its own establishment and a growing network of partners since 2009. The jump from number three to number one we succeeded because we efficiently support business processes, and because our system over the entire life cycle has the lowest total cost, which in 2008 was confirmed by study of the radar group\”, explains Bengt-ake algevik, CEO of Jeeves information systems AB. Furthermore, we are happy and proud that Jeeves a Swedish company has won this prestigious contest in its own country.\” Also \”Barbara Furthmuller, Managing Director of the German branch of Jeeves in Rugendorf, is enthusiastic: this title is also in Germany help us to convince more companies and distributors of Jeeves and our 2008 featured Deutsche land version for medium-sized industrial, service and trading companies.\” At the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2009 Jeeves had already introduced universal release 2.0 of Jeeves the new major.


Now, the new open source beta version 6.3.0 of the DMS is available agorum core download. Over 200 improvements are included, which existed since only in the Pro version of the software. It is time, now, interested parties can download the new beta version of the open source DMS/ECM systems agorum core and try it out. The final version, with over 200 improvements from the Pro version, should be towards the end of December 2009 available. All the information about the available downloads can be found here:..beta.php. The beta version is available in different versions: existing systems can be updated using update programs without much effort on the new version. Installation programs for Windows and Linux are available for a new installation. A VMWare appliance available is provided to quickly try out also, that system includes a fully functional and installed agorum core 6.3.0.

The most important innovations of this version were summarized in a video:..produktvideos.php. agorum core is a document management system that provides very easy access to the documents through the integrated DMS drive. The staff can retain their previous way of working this. The DMS is the system functions in the background at the disposal. The manufacturer promises a fast and smooth introduction this document management within the company.

The DMS agorum core is available in two licenses. As open source under the GPL and the other as agorum core Pro under a proprietary license. The open source version is a full fledged DMS system and is subject to no restrictions. Both build on the same development, so that a change to the agorum core Pro version is possible at any time. The manufacturer offers extensive support through a free forum and optional support packages for the open source DMS. Customers purchase access to the latest updates of the product with the available support packages for the open source version at the same time, that in the normal case with the open source version only become available once a year. Agorum core Pro version includes the workflow engine. In addition, the Pro version can be extended to more plug-ins. OCR – module for the automatic indexing of image files and the Fileadaptor for external file server in the DMS integration include the ADS/LDAP synchronization, the Mailadaptor for creating an email archive. In addition, various partner programs are offered. This is agorum consulting partner to agorum OEM partner. The OEM partner program allows independent software vendors to integrate agorum core Pro into their own products and to market.

Erp Systems

Much is heard today speak of the ERP, but few know where you come from. The ERP began its history originally (Manufacturing Planning and Control MPC) manufacturing planning and Control systems that existed since the early days of the industrial revolution, to automate several tasks and improve accuracy, reliability and predictability of the manufacturing. Then they had greater importance under the heading of point of reordering (ROP), these systems were automated with the introduction of mainframes in the late 1950 and early in 1960 then arrived the MRP that had its origin during the second World War when United States use specialized programs to organize and control the logistics of their units. MRP systems allowed to introduce tools to generate basic computerized production reports, and these were used to evaluate the viability of plans and against forecasted demand. In the years 60-70, MRP systems have evolved to help the companies to reduce their levels of inventories, because at the plan your inputs requirements based on what really demanded them, costs were reduced.

In the early 1980s, Manufacturing Resource Planning systems, changed to MRP II (manufacturing resource planning), these systems developed with management capabilities based on the demand of the MRP, adding the capacity of the planning of requirements (CRP), capabilities to create an integration. MRP and MRP II systems that eventually evolved were characterized by using mainframe computers, hierarchical databases and complex transaction processing systems, adjusting mainly towards the management of a production environment of a few products, with high volumes, under conditions of constant demand. It was in the 1990s when the term ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) was assigned to these systems. Achieving that the ERP will generate a better degree of horizontal integration of the companies now. ERP systems marked a point significant in the development of the MPC systems since they are enabled to the companies towards the global guideline for continuous improvement of the processes of chain with the suppliers through flexible management with customer.