Single System

I just read an article that deals with the establishment by the Government of Venezuela of a security system in image and likeness to the Cuban. Me persigno and I pray for our brothers. What can be born as a needed change in Venezuela, after many corrupt governments some time ago has ceased to be a viable and beneficial for the people project. For the most optimistic, don’t be fooled, look at Cuba and affect their future. Without a doubt, this model initially generates true welfare to poorer classes in subjects so sensitive and needs such as education and health. But as in life, everything has its price then you have to pay. It is very important that everyone have access to these services that is neither logical nor desired is compromising your freedom. We are going to try to reel off these claims to understand as far as possible the opinion of someone who has grown and has been formed in the heart of Cuban society.

That if no fanaticism or extremism. If we are located in the historical context in which the Castro brothers came to power we can understand easily that the Cuban people were so receptive before the measures were implemented. After a bloody and corrupt dictatorship as the of Fulgencio Batista where abuse and ignorance were instruments of power, populist speech Fidel a people weary of so much injustice not could mean nothing more than a relief for people. But behind the curtain of the agrarian reform, the literacy campaign, the urban reform act and many other measures certainly bold and revolutionary for its time were also made many arbitrariness. While the great personalities such as Fidel, El Che, Camilo and some that another commander encouraged the people to change and they walked through the world to inspire to the left and progressives, was happening a real plundering.

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USA Strange System

The system for electing the US President is very complicated. He is not that takes more votes nationwide. Each of the 50 States has its own number of electors, which passed in its entirety to that win there (albeit by the difference of one vote). In 2000 Al Gore won with more than 500,000 votes but Bush won 4 voters more and why came to power. Even more streaky is the way in which the two parties nominate their candidate.

Its members do not vote at the national level and in a single day for them. The process occurs through a calendar. The first State to vote is Iowa on January 3 and the last two are 5 months later, on June 3. Not always on the same day Republicans and Democrats vote in that State. Each State has its own rules of choice, which may change according to the party. Some allow only members of the party and other any public vote. In some there are primaries with ballots of suffrage and successive assemblies (caucasuses) are given in others. More than half a million of Democrats have borne in Michigan or Florida, but they cannot choose anyone because their parties have not authorized the date in which those States held their primaries.

In some States a candidate may remove more votes but get fewer delegates because you may have missed in the number of constituencies. In Florida all Republican delegates have been awarded to the winner (McCain). As well as the weight of the voters is not equal there is also great inequalities in the use of money where anyone can disburse the sum you want to and it always tends to favor to millionaires like Perot or Romney. It is more, who has few resources almost has no chance. Original author and source of the article.

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Benjamin Franklin

Jorge Paulino electrical engineer from the Paleolithic, the hominid feared ever forces of nature especially volcanoes and lightning. The first studies of atmospheric electricity has become in the 13th century by Benjamin Franklin, through an experiment that consisted in placing a metal bar under a storm cloud. In the experiment that would go to a body he landed in contact with Earth, clouds, and the energy discharged by the mother. In May 1752, the French scientist Francois-Thomas D Alibard (1703-1799) carried out the experiment proposed by Franklin, erected an iron bar facing the storm clouds, and approached one of the wires to ground, taking into account that the sparks jumped the pole to the cable, which confirms the hypothesis of Franklin, establishes the principle of operation of the arrester. Ray has a complexity, which refers to the physical nature of the phenomenon and its effects, in many cases are serious for the company by its high-grade destructive. It is estimated that in Brazil, the incidence of discharges, causing losses in the millions of dollars, and annually killing more than one hundred people. The radio is one of the electrical impulses of the rays to Earth, nothing can be done to prevent this phenomenon of nature.

We can only prevent the fall of a ray in a given site or structure, causing catastrophic damage. Installation of systems of protection against lightning (SPDA) is a requirement of the Fire Department, adjusted according to the ABNT NBR 5419 / 2001, and it aims to avoid or minimize the impact of the effects of rays, which can can cause fire, explosion, damage to property and even risk the life of people and animals. We can define lightning rod as a set of elements that consists of a system of trapping air (sensors), lowering system that connects the sensor grounding and ground systems, where the download will dissipate.

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Western AKP

The recent decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey to admit pending a lawsuit against the Party of Justice and Development Party (AKP) has generated discomfort and uncertainty in pro-European circles in Brussels. The Court accuses the AKP of raping the Constitution, violating the principle of secularism, imposed in the twenties of the last century by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the modern State. The Eurocrats did not hesitate to predict the onset of a period of serious political instability for the Ottoman country because, according to them, a systemic error. His criticisms were directed against the legal mechanisms devised by the Kemalist establishment to defend the State against the threats of radical groupings. A few mechanisms that served to outlaw the Communist Party, condemn the militants of the Kurdish nationalist movement and containing the first offensive of the radical Islamists, accused of bring the country down the path of dangerous third world adventures.

But, what the? accusations against the party led by Prime Minister Erdogan? According to Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya, promoter of the grievance, the staff of the AKP, to which also belongs the current Turkish President Abdulah Gul, is carried out a secret plan to Islamicize the country and turn it into a State governed by Sharia law. The members of the political grouping headed by Erdogan Gul tandem reject accusations of Prosecutor, recalling that the AKP has drafted a package of measures aimed at reconciling the Turkish legislation with the existing legal regulations in the countries of the European Union. Who is right? Who is wrong? It should be noted that the lay sectors of the Ottoman country recently mobilized against the decision to authorize the use of the Islamic headscarf in universities, considering it was a first step towards the introduction of the traditional Muslim attire in government agencies. Fictional or real, the dispute brought out other strangers episodes, carefully muted by the Western press, as the proliferation of alcohol-free zones, the harassment to butcher shops that sell meat products not halal (not compliant with Muslim standards of slaughter of cattle) and, finally, the rumors about the existence and action of a mysterious network extremist accused of carrying out the recent attacks against politicians and liberal intellectuals.

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Player System Extreme

An extreme diet can be harmful to the reproductive system. Many women, desperate have the desire to lose weight quickly with the purpose of increasing their self-esteem, or perhaps the hope of being able to carry a pregnancy, sometimes resort to extreme methods, which will always have negative results. Extreme diet nutrition people that make extreme diet, tend to limit their food intake radically, are concentrated in an only type of food, for example, the cabbage soup diet. This can quickly cause nutritional deficiencies affecting all parts of the body, including the reproductive organs. Calcium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin C and zinc, as well as other nutrients, contribute in different ways to the reproductive health as well as health in general.

A deficiency of any of these may cause amenorrhea (a lockout period) and may increase discomfort associated with premenstrual syndrome. You are nutritional deficiencies also can interfere with the endocrine system, which is controlled by the the hormones that make a woman having menstrual cycle of reproduction. It is nutritional deficiency also can affect the baby in the uterus. In the first twelve weeks, when many women do not even suspect they are pregnant, the fetus is developing its organs with the same nutrients the mother consumes. Low levels of nutrition at this vital stage in weight can cause premature labor, involuntary abortions and even birth defects.

Even if an extreme diet works, it can cause problems to long-term health as anorexia. Also body fat could drop to dangerous levels, in which the body is going to stop the process of fertility with the purpose of conserving energy. The effect inebitable Yo-Yo an extreme diet extreme diets generally do not work and cause what is known as the effect I – I. People that extreme dieters try to lose weight muriedose of hunger, and losing muscle in the process, as well as altering their metabolism, which will delay the purpose of conserving energy. Then, when the diet is ends, all the supposed lost weight back again quickly, and gain even more of what you had before, due to metabolism and changes of muscle mass. Weight gain also has negative effects on fertility, so upload more of weight while lowering your chances of getting pregnant. The more often you follow a diet extreme, more weight will end up winning. An extreme diet can never maintain a diet extreme it is also very difficult to maintain and the failure, as well as lack of energy, can cause high levels of stress and depression. This in turn will affect your reproductive system, and will be more difficult to conceive. Stress and diet can also cause other behaviors which limit fertility, such as consuming a lot of caffeine in the form of bicarbonate of coffee and sugar, or smoking. An extreme diet has many effects negative, positive, very few. Even if you ever lose weight, no doubt regain all the weight, and in reality can increase your weight in the long term. You have a healthy, balanced lifestyle and avoid extreme diet is the best way of protecting your reproductive health and lose weight.

Francisco Alava Money

Avoid being scammed, false promises about how to make money online, the truth exposed. Don’t be fooled by the famous and self-appointed Gurus of the internet by: Francisco Alava M. It is very common to find out there on the internet with some kind of these eBooks, courses, programs, and all that already know the famous courses to earn money on the internet, there are an infinite number of these, and with very tempting promises by the way. My honest opinion about paid surveys: there is nothing new that continuously appear increasingly more products to make money online. And many of them are highly tempting. Such is the case of paid surveys, that before the popularity has been taking, I decided to buy it to assess first-hand if you really brought the expected results. What promises paid surveys is basically the following:-gonna make money answering surveys. -You will be able to earn extra money with great ease.

-Your income will be paid without fail. It may sound easy, but then I realized all that involves putting this into practice. You have to wait months for some of the companies send you any survey that you can fill out, if perhaps send you one (if fit in the profile), due to that companies pay much attention to the Anglo market, (USA, England, United Kingdom, etc.), the latino market is not of interest, i.e. you do not here helps us. They don’t pay as much as it promises. Usually about $5 earn per survey. In addition they are slow to pay them because you have to arrive at a limit amount, as for example $100. But as we ship out few polls, the chances of reaching that amount is unlikely. Unless you’re willing to wait several months. In my personal experience I can tell you that the paid surveys, was a waste of time and money.

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Teachers Similar Candidate

By the year 2020 over 200,000 teachers will be selected and recruited through a system similar to the doctors attending the MIR. Rubalcaba praises the role of education in society and has emphasized that it has ceased being an expense to be an investment. It suggests that schools have the means to finish with school failure. It will consist of an examination at national level and practices. The Socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Government in the forthcoming general elections, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has ensured this Saturday which increasingly demand more teachers and announced that by the year 2020 over 200,000 teachers will be selected and recruited through a system similar to the doctors attending the MIR. It will consist of an examination at national level and practices. Perez Rubalcaba, also Vice President and Interior Minister, has released this Saturday his designation as a candidate at an event on education in Valladolid, where some 200 militants of the party have heard his speech and participated in a subsequent Colloquy. For half an hour, the candidate of the PSOE has praised the role of education in society, has stressed that it has ceased being an expense to be an investment and has stated that in the knowledge society will be both terms are capable of educating our youth and make to remain longer in the educational system without abandoning studies. Also has insisted that education is the great lever of equality, has said that school failure is the great tragedy, has emphasized that the teachers are extremely important in the educational work and has announced that it will increasingly require more but has promised not to leave them alone in their work. The candidate has begun saying that education has to purchase a cruise speed and has stressed that education can grow to be competitive and create jobs and overcome the crisis by means of the knowledge economy.

Justice Country

The recent decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Turkey to admit pending a lawsuit against the Party of Justice and Development Party (AKP) has generated discomfort and uncertainty in pro-European circles in Brussels. The Court accuses the AKP of raping the Constitution, violating the principle of secularism, imposed in the twenties of the last century by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the modern State. The Eurocrats did not hesitate to predict the onset of a period of serious political instability for the Ottoman country because, according to them, a systemic error. His criticisms were directed against the legal mechanisms devised by the Kemalist establishment to defend the State against the threats of radical groupings. A few mechanisms that served to outlaw the Communist Party, condemn the militants of the Kurdish nationalist movement and containing the first offensive of the radical Islamists, accused of bring the country down the path of dangerous third world adventures. But, what the? accusations against the party led by Prime Minister Erdogan? According to Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya, promoter of the grievance, the staff of the AKP, to which also belongs the current Turkish President Abdulah Gul, is carried out a secret plan to Islamicize the country and turn it into a State governed by Sharia law. The members of the political grouping headed by Erdogan Gul tandem reject accusations of Prosecutor, recalling that the AKP has drafted a package of measures aimed at reconciling the Turkish legislation with the existing legal regulations in the countries of the European Union. Who is right? Who is wrong? It should be noted that the lay sectors of the Ottoman country recently mobilized against the decision to authorize the use of the Islamic headscarf in universities, considering it was a first step towards the introduction of the traditional Muslim attire in government agencies. Fictional or real, the dispute brought out other strangers episodes, carefully muted by the Western press, as the proliferation of alcohol-free zones, the harassment to butcher shops that sell meat products not halal (not compliant with Muslim standards of slaughter of cattle) and, finally, the rumors about the existence and action of a mysterious network extremist accused of carrying out the recent attacks against politicians and liberal intellectuals.

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The Traveler

The traveler pulled of its sword and in two pulls, brandishing a blow, broke the arc in two pieces as soon as, hindering it was launched. Frightened for that unexpected intervention it endured, it, it fell, it was arisen and it run away among the foliage. The giant, knew that it had occurred outside of its sights, when it saw the traveler judged that this, belonged to the flock of robbers grasped of the soil and prepared to defend. the sword. – He is calm, I am friend! It said. – Friend? He said around man, launching a look.

– I was to you, but vi that it was not necessary. Those five were not citizens to knock down you. – I noticed that motionless. But, I do not trust you. – Therefore to divulge.

I finish to save your life. – I do not understand! – A man Had and it he was armed of arc and arrow. He would have shot an arrow you, if I did not do so before. – I find it! – It sees exactly for you. The traveler pointed with respect to the edge of the bush, with the arrow and the broken arc. He had blood nugget on the gram. – I find that I wounded. The traveler said. The giant caught the arrow and smelled the iron tip. – Poison! It, surprisingly said. – Perhaps he wounded it to them and had placed poison so that its death was certain. It was assailant. Somebody wants to see it dead. How you call yourself, and for men wanted to kill it? – I ignore the cause. Call, of the house of Rufus.

Sales Transactions

Then we consider the reasonableness of the implementation of three ordinary methods for the estimation procedure. Yes, often the income approach is the most accurate method for assessing income-generating property, but all the same, so not suitable for all objects. If you need an estimate of damage or fire damage assessment after the Gulf apartments, it is important to know that a profitable option is only one way to assess. Useful information is also given the market and expensive methods. Sometimes these approaches are slightly more efficient. In many cases, each of these options can be selected to confirm the assessment of data from other approaches. And if you need an estimate of land or the assessment of the property complex, you should know that market-based approach or an approach of direct comparative analysis of such sales is advisable when the obvious is an active market of comparable objects. The integrity of this approach is dependent on the amount of baseline data and information.

It should find the latest information about current transactions for the sale of such objects. Data and information collected on sales of similar sites include: financing conditions, physical specifications and conditions of sale. The accuracy of the market approach is reduced if the deal was not quite so much when they went after a long period or if the market is in an abnormal state. Due to the fact that this approach uses data on past sales transactions, in the event of uncontrollable shocks on the market performance assessment may be wrong. But the costly option most appropriate for the property for special purposes, and the building is to find ways the most profitable use of land, and, finally, to insurance. In addition, information on standards should include information about the level of wages of construction specifications of expenditure on equipment, the profit on the cost of materials, the prices of land and overhead.