Origami – Toys Out Of Paper

OrigamiChto is Origami? Origami – the name of the Japanese art of folding paper, is derived from the Japanese 'oru' (fold), and 'kami' (paper). Despite the fact that the paper itself appeared in China, namely in Japan have guessed from the stack it amazing in its beauty figurines. And the first such figures appeared in Japanese monasteries, because in the Japanese concept of the word 'God' and 'Paper' sound the same, although written in different characters. Asana may not feel the same. Figures from the paper were symbolic meaning and used in various rituals. In the Middle Ages, when the cost of paper has decreased, the art of folding penetrated into the life of the nobility – it penetrated into the life of the samurai. In the old vremenapriznakom good parenting skills was considered a gentleman to entertain his lady on folding paper figures. In our time, origami using different groups of people: artists use origami as a way to express creativity, academics, Architects and mathematicians explore the geometry of origami for beauty or for practical applications, doctors and teachers ispolzuyutorigami to help their patients recover from illness or for training purposes. But a huge number of people fold paper simply because it's fun. Lesson origami does not require special devices, equipped with the workplace. Origami requires only a piece of paper, making it one of the most accessible of art – anyone can add origamnye figures anywhere and in any situation: home, hospital, train, travel, office and so on! Positive aspects of art origamiKak already said, to engage in a classic origami does not need any new appliances would only need a sheet of paper.