The auditory individuals prefer to hear; The auditory canal is structuralized to leave of the use of the felt terminal/of the hearing, … had to the multiple interferences the one that is subject, as much in the proper act of hearing as, mainly, at the following moment of translation of this stimulaton … if relating adequately with the exterior world by means of the word and of the auditory apelos preferring, equally, a more objective and logical communication. They are felt well when they are speaking or arguing with the others its questions of work and position: – They have dom of the word they use and it to convince the others; – They only obtain to study reading the texts in high voice; – They like to hear radio, music or to appear the concerts. (SEVERINO). Whereas the kinaesthetic individuals; The kinaesthetic canal results of the combination/use of the felt terminal/of the olfato, tato and palate, an impregnated way of more alive sensations, exchange, contact, convivncia. …
structures and typical behaviors of relationary the emotional hemisphere/and with characteristic states of the behaviors receptive and opened, deriving of the processes of entrance and exit of the individuality. (SEVERINO). finally individuals that intuem, that is, while the professor is announcing what he goes to be made they intuem, is those pupils who follow the reasoning of the professor; The intuitivo canal exceeds the cincos terminals/directions, operating in the extra-sensorial field and going beyond the three concrete dimensions of width, height and depth. As kinaesthetic it if amolda to the typical behaviors of relationary the emotional hemisphere/and to the characteristic states of the behaviors receptive and opened, deriving of the processes of entrance and exit of individuality. (SEVERINO).