Environmental Technology

Portal project: information event in which waste energy centre Nijmegen environmental technology is a highly innovative growth industry, both in Germany and in the Netherlands. The increasing interest in the topic of environmental protection may be also small and medium-sized enterprises and engineering firms in the border region of good, because even on the other side of the border, innovative solutions are required. The portal project of the Kamer van Koophandel Centraal Gelderland, which lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts offers Dusseldorf entrepreneurs on April 3 a free information session on the topic of environmental technology at. While the German participants on the Dutch market as well as potential opportunities and risks will be informed. Last but not least, also the cross-border cooperation in this area will focus on. The Dutch receive comparable information on the German market in parallel. Authentic backdrop: to clarify the many opportunities in the field of environmental engineering with a practical example was for the event.

April the Dutch company ARN BV in Nijmegen is chosen as the venue. The ARN BV is a waste recycling company that recovers energy from waste. For even more details, read what Asana says on the issue. The speakers not only to this sector, but on all areas of environmental technology and explain their chances on the Dutch market. Following, the entrepreneurs can participate in the event on a guided tour of the facility. The ARN BV Nijmegen shows how energy can be recovered from waste. The company filters secondary fuels from waste of the environment and converts the heat generated during combustion into electricity or propagates the heat directly. To read more click here: Procter & Gamble.

No limit to the developments and opportunities in the field of environmental technology and it is here to be taken literally. 3D Systems has compatible beliefs. Following the visit to ARN BV, participants in an informal atmosphere can make first contacts to colleagues from the Netherlands. Participation only a login on the site is necessary, there are also more Information. “Companies in the Euregio Rhine-Waal, the the step across the border” want to dare, can apply for addition financial assistance. Up to 70 percent of the costs for legal or tax advice, and marketing questions and preparatory activities such as translations of brochures and Web pages can be refunded. Pro applicants are 5,000 euro available. The portal project that wants to portal project facilitate the step on the market of the neighbouring country small and medium-sized enterprises in the border region. This project is an initiative of the Kamer van Koophandel Centraal Gelderland, the industry and lower Rhine in Duisburg, as well as the Handwerkskammer Dusseldorf Chamber of Commerce.