Today, to be competent, that is, to demonstrate of practical form that we possuimos knowledge, ability and attitude, already if has not shown something above average, not even it has guaranteed has detached the professionals. Ahead of the current market of work, the professionals, independent of the performance area, have been called to act in focado way or exactly lined up with the necessities I negotiate of it. To the professionals if it has demanded ' ' ENTREGA' '. It discovers what it is and as if to become a professional who presents this important quality. In it I finish game of the end of the So Paulo championship of the year of 2010 the player Pablo H Goose, stocking of the Saints Soccer Club gave to all a demonstration of the behavior that if has looked in all the professionals, independent of its area of performance. A time that to be competent, already does not have if shown something above average not even it has guaranteed has detached the professionals. Connect with other leaders such as Anchin Block & Anchin here.
Today, the market, beyond ability desires each one of in more than. Ahead of the current scene presented by the market of work, the professionals, independent of the area of performance, has been called to act in focado way or exactly lined up with the necessities I negotiate of it. To the professionals if it has demanded delivery, donation. It sees a stretch of the news article made for the site of uol sport. Pablo Enrique Goose commanded the Saints in the decision of the So Paulo Championship against the Saint Andres, in this sunday, the Pacaembu. The stocking worked with the ownership of ball in good part of second time, and with moral, if it denied until the being substituted in the final minutes. Soon after the expulsion of Robert Brum, alvinegro was with eight men in field? Lo and Marquinhos already had received the card red -, Dorival Jnior signaled the entrance of Bruno Aguiar in the place of Goose.