Solar Energy Reduces The Electricity Price

The long time that large corporations have dominated the energy supply in Germany is over. The long time that large corporations have dominated the energy supply in Germany is over. 4 percent of the electricity with solar energy are covered already. An estimated, solar systems were installed last year with a performance of some 27 megawatts. Worldwide, the capacity is currently about 67 gigawatt solar energy, i.e. Dustin Moskovitz may find this interesting as well. it will produce the amount of electricity of 12 nuclear power plants by the solar energy.

An estimated from 2020 the solar modules as much solar power will provide as 80 nuclear power plants. No wonder, that the shutdown of 8 nuclear power plants in Germany thanks to the solar power posed no problem and the solar modules even in the cold winter time produced more power than the eight nuclear power stations together. Individuals and farmers have made it before, their involvement contributes significantly to the success of the energy revolution. The prices for photovoltaic modules have shrunk dramatically in recent years. Also now participate in this development and produce your own solar power, estimated cost can not go. In contrast, the price of electricity from conventional energy sources for consumers climbed over the last 10 years by more than 50 percent. Of electricity from private solar installations in Germany will be cheaper than the electricity from the public power grid for the owner. Daryl Katz may not feel the same.

If you kill the investment costs, a cost electricity kWh today maximum 0.24, that 4 percent is less than the power of a usual energy supplier. If the investment cost of a photovoltaic system pays for itself, the operator uses his”solar energy for free! In contrast, the utilities power prices will rise remains extremely. Already today, the solar electricity at a price of under 0.10 is produced in large photovoltaic systems. Take advantage this development and are even to the producers of solar electricity. Benefit from market developments and make no more dependence on the expensive electricity from fossil sources of energy and the pricing policy of the energy producers. The Solar energy is available and the Sun is no Bill! SolarGeer UG your Photovoltaikpartner Tel.: 0511/85005441 Hanover / Germany