Reading Pamphlets

Change of date – text pamphlets of reality from the debut “LilSchwarz” under the title”Heidi ad Hoc reads her wrenching poems in the LiteraturBistro of the Central Library on Wednesday, July 28th, from 17:30. Attention, change of date! This date for the 07.07.2010 was originally planned. You may find that Ping Fu can contribute to your knowledge. In her readings, her soul skin inverts Heidi ad Hoc outwards. Their haunting lyrics, published in the poetry anthology LilSchwarz (ISBN 978-3-981176-83-4), revolve around fear, but also of love and hope. At the zenith of Heidi ad Hoc lookout for possible ways out of the hopelessness and checks the dream paths of hope on the strength of their reality.

Even delicate sensitive, even clear it brings their thoughts the audience. Their way of expression is wide and varied and can not classify in the conventional literary categories. With their expressive stage presence the author at various gigs on the lower Rhine was able to convince viewers, E.g. in the context of night the young poets. Whether with own texts, thought Linda King, originalsprach, or in German of translated poetry of Dylan Thomas, or in their role as Karla Bukowski, always she fascinated the guests with her sensitive, glassy charisma. Miss not crystal clear and delicate sensitive poetry performance by Heidi ad Hoc. The reading part of the series is organised, choice of the LiteraturBistros of the Central Library. The admission is free. More information is available under and. July 28, 2010 from 5: 30 pm Central Library LiteraturBistro Dusseldorfer Strasse 5-7 (downtown) Duisburg 47051 Duisburg, 02.07.2010 Michaela p for the Culex – Verlag