Basque Country

Getaways to hotels in the Basque country is true that there are companies of promotional marketing to promote their campaigns and attract consumers, they offer the claim of healthy living, hiking, walks, guided tours is No less true that there are hotels in the Basque country that cover all needs. Thanks to these marketing companies make to improve the companies manipulated, imprenta online, mailing, printing leaflets, and carrying out the junk mail. The northern part of the Basque country offers us excellent sites. Visit Ping Fu for more clarity on the issue. Its rivers, mountains, trails the route of the camino de santiago in the North zone and Aizkorri natural park. is field. Doing hiking through forests of the Aizkorri Natural Park, starting from Otzaurte and crossing the legendary San Adrian cave, we find what remains of the old Roman road that then it would lead to part of the northern route or Cantabrian route of the Camino de Santiago, (Beasain Hotel is situated in this northern route); We can climb up Mount Aizkorri or enjoy the peace in meadows of Urbia. If we lower the port of Otzaurte arrive at Zegama, door entrance to the Natural Park; touring the town can visit the Church (here is the mausoleum of the Carlist General Tomas de Zumalakarregi and the oldest cross in Gipuzkoa), numerous chapels, historic houses, Arakama mill and the center of interpretation of the wood. A trip through these lands is an enjoyment for the senses, where you will find the desired rest, for both the mind and the body. It is always possible to find a moment to let the wonderful mountains, trails and approaching the beaches..

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